I am pleased to welcome Navin Prithyani back to the show after five-year! During this time, he has developed a groundbreaking methodology to assist novice and struggling long-term traders in achieving consistent profitability. Prepare to be astonished, as his approach...
Dapo Willis’ trading trajectory is a compelling story of perseverance and eventual triumph, marked by significant setbacks and an eventual ascent to managing a staggering $150 million. Through an immersive exploration of his trading journey, we gain insight into...
Join me in this captivating video podcast as I sit down with Tyler Malone, a full-time Forex trader who has spent years refining his craft. In this highly anticipated second interview (here’s out first), Tyler shares his insights on the trading industry and his...
Today, we bring you the story of Joe Caruso, a former Amazon delivery driver turned Forex trader who has taken the trading world by storm with the help of his mentor, Derek Vandelinder. After just six months of trading Derek’s strategy, Joe consistently turned a...
In a world where financial success seems like an elusive dream for most, Erik Smolinski stands out as a shining example of what’s possible with hard work, determination, and a little bit of luck. Despite his very modest upbringing, Erik managed to accumulate a...
Today, we have the pleasure of introducing you to Jarrod Goodwin, an ex-mechanic turned Forex trader, Jarrod has an impressive portfolio of automated trading strategies that he’s developed over the past eight years. His dedication to the craft has led him to...
Step into the world of Forex trading and witness the rise of a revolutionary trading style that has taken the trading community by storm – Malaysian SnR. After airing for the first time on the show a few short weeks ago, this style has captured the attention of...
This exclusive interview with legendary trader, Larry Williams, who turned $10k into $1.1 million in just one year during the Robbins Cup. In this re-release of the 2016 interview, we get an inside look at the remarkable journey of a man who became a trading icon and...
Join me this week as I speak with the remarkable Dr. Elvis Justice Bedi, a young Ghanaian whose rapid ascent to trading stardom came at a most tumultuous time. Amidst the chaos of war in Russia, where he was studying medicine, Dr. Bedi found himself becoming an expert...
In today’s episode, we have returning guest, Scott Welsh, who has achieved a remarkable feat in the world of forex trading. He came second in one of the hardest trading competitions, and he’s here to share his best-kept secrets with us. Forex trading is a...
As you know, here at Trading Nut we bring you the best insights and strategies from top traders around the world. Today, we have a very special episode for you. Instead of a new interview, we’re re-releasing an incredibly informative conversation with the...
In this episode, we have the pleasure of speaking with Marcellino Fx, a successful Forex trader who has the ability to make $2000-$3000 a day trading from his home office. Marcellino is not your typical trader, and his journey to success is filled with unexpected...
To kick off 2023 we drop back into the “fundamentals” of trading in more ways than one. James a professional trader from London shares his trading success story, from blowing accounts through to when things started to change after he was accepted into a...
Step into the world of trading and you’re hit with a barrage of confusing jargon, dubious characters, and questionable companies. It’s no wonder Sharline Fx initially saw trading as a one-dimensional, cutthroat world after transitioning from a career in...
What surprised me the most about Jayson Casper’s trading was that his sole focus was on traded ranges. Yes, forget breakout trading, trend trading, but find the most common occurrence “a range” and trade the heck out of it! But get this, it still...
Are you ready to unleash your earning potential and revolutionize the way you approach trading? Look no further! Our expert guest, Nate Williams, has done just that. With his background as a former Amazon tech giant employee and full-time manual and algo-trader, he...
Are you tired of the same old approach to Forex trading? Look no further than Evan Christopher, the masterful trader who has ventured down countless paths to uncover the ultimate strategy. Dubbed the “black rabbit” of the industry, Evan has revolutionized...
If you weren’t sufficiently impressed by what Matt Mortimer’s business partners (who have also been on the show, i.e. Alex George & Charlie) have achieved in their short time as educators and fund managers, you’ll be blown away by what Matt...
If you’re looking for a “highly motivational” trading story, then you’ve found the right place! New York based, Paladin’s trading journey took a giant U turn in 2022. From constantly blowing prop firm challenges, he started to pass...
To kick off 2023 we drop back into the “fundamentals” of trading in more ways than one. James a professional trader from London shares his trading success story, from blowing accounts through to when things started to change after he was accepted into a...