176: 10R Trader Leaves His 2R Hedge Fund Days Behind w/ Diego Torres

Not completely new to Trading Nut, Diego Torres (cousin of EP130 Rodrigo Torres) is a Portfolio Manager at Funding Provider and Educator, City Traders Imperium. And he’s been featuring on the Trading Nut live streams for the past few weeks, starting things off...

175: He Lost Half A Million But Traded His Way Back /w Philip Salloum

As a trader, one of the biggest lessons to learn is taking your profits. And my guest Philip Salloum had this lesson in spades. Half a Million of them in fact. Trading Bitcoin during its epic bull run resulted in Philip amassing quite the profit. But, as you can guess...

172: Futures TRADING MISTAKES You Are Not Aware Of w/ Matt Zimberg

Being able to pack into an episode, not just one trader, but 1000’s of them, is a real treat. Today you’ll hear Matt Zimberg (owner of Optimus Futures brokerage) give you insights into the habits of thousands of traders that have passed through his firm....

164: Making Smart Money Trading Even Smarter w/ Nathan Jester

Nathan Jester, from Ariel Fx Trading, has an unusual story about how he found trading, found his mentor (that one is crazy) and eventually found success. At the end of it all, he found his passion for Smart Money trading. Even though he doesn’t like to call it...