It was a pleasure having Steve Ruffley on the show. Especially given the fact that Steve had been away from a few years, topped off by being a New Zealand based trader (making it super easy to find a time for our call). Steve comes with experience and a CV most retail...
Joe P, aka FibsDontLie, not only has a unique story to tell, but the lessons you’ll learn in the show should move your trading forward “leaps and bounds”. On top of the lessons in the interview, Joe has been kind enough to share with you a US30...
Roger Khoury started off in the markets like most of us. Struggling to make it work. Wondering why the market did what it did. It wasn’t until one day when he’d hit rock bottom and decided to chill out with a trip to the beach. And to his surprise, what he...
DON’T MISS ANDREW’S 2022 BLACK FRIDAY DIME SALE Up to 68% Off – Click Here For Details 17 year Forex veteran Andrew Mitchem comes on the show for a second time. I can’t believe the first was 5 years ago (episode 36 of 52 Traders) and the level...
How would you react if you blew your years salary in just one day? Enough money to keep you financially free for probably 2 years, if not 3, depending on were you’re living. That’s what this weeks guest, a South African trader, who goes by the alias...
Dedication to the game takes many forms. In SG’s case this took the form of chart screenshots. This penny stocks come ICT smart money style trader has amassed a whopping 49,000 chart shots during his journey to becoming a fully self sufficient trader who lives...
Ray Francois is only 23 years old, has blown 1000’s of accounts and is now successfully trading for Maverick, a prop trading firm. The same firm, past guest, No Nonsense Forex trades with. But what surprised me most about Ray was how he broke down a price chart....
We all started somewhere and Tay Evan’s started at Uber Eats. But when he wasn’t delivering food he found time to read a chart or 10. After being introduced to trading through a chance meeting with a successful trader who happened to have married into the...
I’d always heard about traders who used alignment of the planets, weather patterns and other weird things to predict price movements. But I’d never come across anyone who had a) studied them b) back tested them and c) actually uses them. Until I stumbled...
I’ve always wondered why some traders are head over heels in love with markets like US30 and NASDAQ. And when asked their reason, it’s usually because “…the thing flies!!!” Clint Fester (aka Mr_Festx) is one such trader. While his origins...
I didn’t this it would be this hard to get Dimitri Wallace on the show. Especially after we shared lunch together in a Malaysian food court about 2 years ago. But good things come to those who wait and today you finally get to hear the answers to all the...
Sam Kavanagh, is a Scottish trader with a uniuqe story to tell. Probably the youngest trading prop firm owner in the world, Sam has been through it all. From building a team of profitable traders (some from scratch) to dealing with all the paperwork and regulations....
Wow! This has to be one of the best trading success stories I’ve heard on the show. I was on the edge of my seat and thought there was no way Anthony would crack the code… but you’ll find out he does and does it in style! What’s more you get...
Khaled Alsabbagh is a Syrian refugee who was lucky enough to be given a shot at the American dream. When a stable job and adequate accommodation would be enough for most Khaled took things a step further by embarking on a Forex trading career. What you might find...
It’s countless, how many people have asked me to get Cue Banks on the show. Well, miricals have happened and here we are. We finally get to hear the full Cue Banks story, understand why he’s stopped trading Forex and is now fully focused on US30, as well...
What’s crazy is that the owner of the ForexSimulator back testing software I use for my livestreamed challenges is also an amazing trader. Justin Mueller, is a Forex come Silver, Gold and Bitcoin trader from Florida who’s been able to fund other businesses...
We’ve all been beaten up by technical analysis in the past, whatever stage of the journey. Today’s guest, Kevin Jahoda, was exactly the same. However, Kevin decided to find out what really moved the Forex markets and made Fundamental analysis the backbone...
Aaron Korbs went from truck washer to trading the futures markets in just a matter of years. Today you’ll not only hear Aaron’s full story but you’ll learn what he actually does to make money day in and day out. He uses an approach that relies on...
Trent Smalley has more similarities to the famous stock investor Warren Buffett than most humans on the planet. Not only does Trent trade the stock market successfully, he also shops at the same stores as Mr Buffett, frequents the same cinema and restaurants, and no...
One thing that always surprises me with professional traders is their unwavering belief on what works and what doesn’t. What surprises me most is how these beliefs almost always contradict each other. While the price action versus indicators argument is the most...