150: When Blowing An Account Gets You Excited w/ FibsDontLie

Joe P, aka FibsDontLie, not only has a unique story to tell, but the lessons you’ll learn in the show should move your trading forward “leaps and bounds”. On top of the lessons in the interview, Joe has been kind enough to share with you a US30...

118: Setting Up A Prop Trading Firm At 21 Years Old w/ Sam Kavanagh

Sam Kavanagh, is a Scottish trader with a uniuqe story to tell. Probably the youngest trading prop firm owner in the world, Sam has been through it all. From building a team of profitable traders (some from scratch) to dealing with all the paperwork and regulations....

59: The Evolution of a Stock Trader with Aaron Oetting

Evolution is an amazing thing. Insects, animals, plants, bacteria… even traders, all go through an evolutionary process and today you get to see the traders evolutionary process first hand. We hear from Aaron Oetting, an aspiring stock trader we’ve followed since the...