247: The 19-Year-Old Who Made Over $1 Million in Prop Firm Funding

Arman Sangha, a day trader from the UK, has done the unthinkable by becoming probably the first trader to gain over $1 million in prop firm funding by the age of 19. Now, if you think that’s out of this world, then what he did next will blow your mind. He was...

245: Prop Firm CEO Speaks Out About My Forex Funds…

Who better to speak to about my My Forex Funds (one of the largest prop firms of its time) being frozen by the regulators than prop firm CEO of Blue Guardian, and sponsor of the Trading Nut podcast, Sean Bainton. In the first part of the show I grill Sean on all...

237: Is ICT Her Uncle? Find out… Tori Trades Tells All

Picture a scenario where a seasoned professional trader, boasting three decades of experience, generously imparts their knowledge to a family member – you. The allure of such an opportunity may evoke dreams of financial independence, luxury cars parked in your...

226: Tales of a $150 Million Forex Trader w/ Dapo Willis

Dapo Willis’ trading trajectory is a compelling story of perseverance and eventual triumph, marked by significant setbacks and an eventual ascent to managing a staggering $150 million. Through an immersive exploration of his trading journey, we gain insight into...