Age is no factor here. It’s years (or hours, more precisely) under the belt that counts. Nick Nechanicky has been over 6 years in the markets and struggled like all of us until he discovered the secrets of Market Makers. This allowed him to take his trading to...
Young traders from around the world are showing us older folk how it’s done. Connor Skeet, from the UK, is one such trader. Already managing money, after only taking the BabyPips free course?!? Okay, so there’s a bit more to it, which you can learn...
It blew my mind when I received an email just a couple of weeks ago from Nathan Sage, a 2017 student of my Robot Builders Club. He simply wanted to say “Thanks” for putting the course together because he was able to use this knowledge to go on and create...
If you’re new to trading and feeling a bit overwhelmed on where to start first, the story of Drewizebanks will help show you what’s possible even if you’re struggling. Having the added advantage of a close connection to popular Instagram trader Cue...
He goes by the name Institute Trader and has a story and a half to tell when it comes to his trading journey. Once an ICT student (but now banned) and someone who paid the lofty price for Online Trading Academy education… He eventually found his way and is now...
Jason Stewart had a unique experience throughout high school and college, he was a star Quarter Back who had to deal with 11 opponents out to destroy him each and every week. This experience built up a level of fearlessness that others may never reach. Hearing...
It’s funny how things end up. I first met Cory online many moons ago when I first delved into the world of Forex. I, like many, fell in love with Forex robots (and still am to this day). What I didn’t realize back in the day was that Cory was behind most...
WARNING: I am receiving complaints from some of Jacob’s clients that he is not paying refund requests or providing services paid for in a timely manner. Proceed with caution. Earlier this year I discovered on a 15 year old Swedish trader who could read a chart...
I love having Singaporean traders on the show. I don’t know if it’s because it’s a financial mecca, or if they just have such a unique approach to the market and the love sharing what they know. My two friends from Radical Forex are no different....
There’s only one thing more valuable than the wisdom of those wiser. It’s taking that wisdom and applying it correctly. That’s exactly what Drew Bishop did after a family member (who worked on the Institutional side of the markets) told him…...
It’s great motivation hearing a success story when someone starts out with nothing. KJ McLaurin was homeless in high school, bouncing from hotel to motel as his family just made enough to survive. Then with a positive attitude and a bit of luck he found Forex....
Canadian Forex trader, Tyler Malone, struggled like the rest of us in the beginning. Tried different things, lost money, paid for courses. The same journey most aspiring traders loop through. And some of us seem to be stuck in the loop endlessly. So, what changed for...
I love a great guest recommendation, and after Forexed banged out 7.61R on my TradingView Replay Challenge I asked him if he knew any decent traders. He said, “You gotta get a good friend of mine from Toronto on the show! He has an amazing account flipping story...
Daniel Caluzzi, isn’t the first serious tennis player I’ve had on the show, but he does bring a unique perspective I did get form the other trader (who ended up ranking 5th in the 2020 World Cup Championship of Forex Trading®) – click here for that...
I first heard about Austin and his company Imperial Fx after speaking with one of his students. They were telling me how amazing he was and highly recommended I get him on the show… I wasn’t disappointed. For someone so young, you know this guy is going...
There’s something to be said for taking the tried and tested route in life. I did it for 25 years before taking the plunge on my own. But fear of the unknown held me back for years. Aman Birajdar, did it for 10 years. He then found Forex and shortly after...
Past guest and full time Forex trader, Andre Stewart, has kindly offered up his years of knowledge and experience trading Volume Profile, in a free 45 minute course. You’ll hear me introduce this an introduction to Volume Profile at the beginning of the call,...
It makes sense right? Jump on YouTube, watch a few videos on learning how to trade. Put together an approach, open a live account and start trading. Not if you’re Chris Hunter (better known as HunterFx). He went against the grain. Took a completely objective...
My how things have changed! The choices young people have today are infinitely better and more wide spread than when I left high school. My options were limited to University, get a job or Uni then get a job. No one was talking about making money drop shipping or...
While I was frittering my days away asleep in my university library in the 90’s, with little in the way of access to the internet (may I add in my defense), I look back and think “What a wasted opportunity”. My guest, Eli Semedo, is having quite a...