120: Crypto Whale, Andy Peters, On Making The Shift To Forex

When your average stake in Bitcoin is $358 and it’s now hovering around the $60k mark you’re considered a Crypto Whale in my eyes and many others. Andy Peters took the bold decision to dive head first into Crypto when it first came out and his bet paid...

118: Setting Up A Prop Trading Firm At 21 Years Old w/ Sam Kavanagh

Sam Kavanagh, is a Scottish trader with a uniuqe story to tell. Probably the youngest trading prop firm owner in the world, Sam has been through it all. From building a team of profitable traders (some from scratch) to dealing with all the paperwork and regulations....

113: A Traders Evolution – Nick Shawn (Part 3)

I’ve followed Nick Shawn’s journey since episode 4 of Trading Nut and it’s a pleasure to see how he’s progressed as a trader and helped so many others along the way. Over the course of our interviews we’ve had amazing insight into the...

109: How To Place 2nd At The Forex Trading World Cup w/ Scott Welsh

Wow! What an interview. Fresh off 2nd place at the Forex Trading World Cup, I get a chance to interview former guest, Scott Welsh, on his journey from 2017 to 2021… and everything in between. A former student of my Robot Builders Club, Scott used his automated...

100: Unleash A Fearless Quarterback On Forex & This Happens…

Jason Stewart had a unique experience throughout high school and college, he was a star Quarter Back who had to deal with 11 opponents out to destroy him each and every week. This experience built up a level of fearlessness that others may never reach. Hearing...