143: Van Tharp Educator On Trading & Military Discipline w/ Ken Long

Ken Long went from investing in mutual funds, in his mid 20’s, to trading the stock market (after his father-in-law introduced him into trading). He lives in a dual world as a trader and a colonel in the US Army. Ken has been an educator his entire life. He’s a...

140: Breaking Down A Traders Psychological Issues w/ Conrad Alvin Lim

Conrad Alvin Lim is an educator and has a thing or two to say about trading psychology. He trades the US Stocks, Futures, Bonds, Options, and Currencies. Conrad became interested in trading whilst in the media industry, back in 1997. And in 2004, decided to give it a...

132: How The Markets Are Fixed & Predetermined w/ Andre Minassian

Ex-hotel owner, Andre Minassian, became fascinated in trading after picking up the Financial Times one day and reading about the Stock Market. Andre always likes new challenges and although he didn’t have a finance background and didn’t learn to trade the traditional...