Introducing Ben, a British forex trader who has graciously chosen to share his remarkable transformation from an inexperienced novice to an accomplished and consistently profitable trader. Inspired by his ardent following of this esteemed podcast, Ben has adeptly...
If you caught last week’s show with Alyse Amores you would have heard me mention a young trader who had placed 3rd in a very strict trading contest she ran recently. A funded account was up for grabs and the rules to win one were harder than a standard funding...
Yes, Charlie is just 20 years old and holds the title of Head Trader at, unconventional hedge fund, West Water Associates. Another owner of the firm is past guest Alex George (episode 167) who was on the show at the start of the year. If you’re thinking, this...
Join Cas’ Discord group. He’s back on the show for a second time, after starting out as a part time trader (ep108), who would have thought that he’d be managing funds, funded at a prop firm and working for a hedge fund… and all in 18 months!...
Now and again we get the privilege of hearing the story of a trader who has had great success in the markets (and in this case “massive” success), who’s willing to share their lessons and experience with other aspiring traders. But the trade off, for...