Introducing Scott Taylor, a remarkable individual who has navigated the demands of an incredibly busy lifestyle. With his ownership of a thriving Gym and the responsibility of caring for four young children, coupled with his unwavering ambition to excel as a Forex...
In this episode, we have the pleasure of speaking with Marcellino Fx, a successful Forex trader who has the ability to make $2000-$3000 a day trading from his home office. Marcellino is not your typical trader, and his journey to success is filled with unexpected...
With over 17 years of experience working with some of the best traders in the world, from hedge funds, to professional individual traders, to prop trading firms, getting inside the mind of Steve Ward for an hour is like getting a peek inside the minds of the...
When I asked past guest Lorenzo Corrado who he’d recommend I get on the show, he had no hesitation putting forward fellow Bali ex-Pat Lewis Kelly, who just happens to be a Smart Money trader, and a damn good one at that. After turning his back on semi...
Joash Naidoo has a story every struggling trader can relate to. A story that will give you hope and one that will leave you with the feeling that full time trading can be a reality. But there are several hurdles to overcome. One of those for Joash was consistently...