Ken Chigbo embarked on his journey in the world of trading, fueled by a thirst for knowledge. This initial step propelled him into the position of a “Trading Floor Runner,” immersing him in the dynamic and intricate realm of the financial industry....
If you weren’t sufficiently impressed by what Matt Mortimer’s business partners (who have also been on the show, i.e. Alex George & Charlie) have achieved in their short time as educators and fund managers, you’ll be blown away by what Matt...
This is a first for the show. A trader who was consistently making money from the very first month of his trading career. I’m talking £100 a day every trading day. Gedson K is lucky in that respect but found his luck ran out when his boss got wind of his weekly...
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 12 months you’ve spent at least a few weeks in lockdown (and let’s face it, living under a rock is about the same). But what did you do to improve your trading during that time? Anthony Navarro did...
When I launched the Pro Member community a few weeks ago I didn’t really know where it would head or end up. What I can tell you is that I’m absolutely amazed at what I read on there everyday. Firstly, the forum has not only given another voice to past...