After getting to know a little about Dovy Fx whilst he was destroying my Trader vs Trader back test challenge (taking out top spot in season 2), I was still left wondering what this NBA hopeful was actually doing on the chart to find big R trades. Eight months later,...
Joe P, aka FibsDontLie, not only has a unique story to tell, but the lessons you’ll learn in the show should move your trading forward “leaps and bounds”. On top of the lessons in the interview, Joe has been kind enough to share with you a US30...
DON’T MISS ANDREW’S 2022 BLACK FRIDAY DIME SALE Up to 68% Off – Click Here For Details 17 year Forex veteran Andrew Mitchem comes on the show for a second time. I can’t believe the first was 5 years ago (episode 36 of 52 Traders) and the level...
Most professional traders will say you need perseverance to make it as a trader. But Lesiba Mothupi had no choice but to take this “perserverance” to the extreme. From growing up in poverty in Johannesburg, South Africa, he used his entrepreneurial spirit...
If you’re a culprit of strategy hopping then this episode with Sacha FxDawg may give you the answer. A student of Cue Banks, Ryan Gilpin and Raja Banks (WicksDontLie), to name a few, Sacha managed to do something many don’t. He took the best from all their...