David Hale is a seasoned trader with an impressive 23-year track record in the financial markets. Author of “Reminiscences of a Day Trader,” David is a true maestro in the art of trading. In this episode, he unveils the secrets behind his unique...
Dapo Willis’ trading trajectory is a compelling story of perseverance and eventual triumph, marked by significant setbacks and an eventual ascent to managing a staggering $150 million. Through an immersive exploration of his trading journey, we gain insight into...
When I asked past guest Lorenzo Corrado who he’d recommend I get on the show, he had no hesitation putting forward fellow Bali ex-Pat Lewis Kelly, who just happens to be a Smart Money trader, and a damn good one at that. After turning his back on semi...
When I heard Kyle had acquired over $3 million in a funded accounts, by taking multiple prop firm funded trader challenges (like the one from my sponsor CTI where you can get up to a 100% profit share), I had to get him on the show to find out his secrets. But his...
Okay, okay. So, a few past guests said “You gotta get this trader FibsnProfits on the show!”. I didn’t really know what all fuss was about until I met Mike Azevedo (aka FibsnProfits) and was blown away by what he shared during our interview and on...