Roger Khoury started off in the markets like most of us. Struggling to make it work. Wondering why the market did what it did. It wasn’t until one day when he’d hit rock bottom and decided to chill out with a trip to the beach. And to his surprise, what he...
Dedication to the game takes many forms. In SG’s case this took the form of chart screenshots. This penny stocks come ICT smart money style trader has amassed a whopping 49,000 chart shots during his journey to becoming a fully self sufficient trader who lives...
Josh, the first trader I’ve had on here from Cameroon, appeared on my radar after consistently predicting solid multi R moves in the Trading Nut chat room. Which means, unless you’re in the chat room you’ve probably never heard of him. But...
Stacey Burke is the kind of trader I love stumbling upon. After a 15 year struggle with the markets he managed to find what some would call the “holy grail”. And he’s been capitalizing on this knowledge consistently for the past 5 years. Today...
Age is no factor here. It’s years (or hours, more precisely) under the belt that counts. Nick Nechanicky has been over 6 years in the markets and struggled like all of us until he discovered the secrets of Market Makers. This allowed him to take his trading to...