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Stacey Burke is the kind of trader I love stumbling upon.

After a 15 year struggle with the markets he managed to find what some would call the “holy grail”. And he’s been capitalizing on this knowledge consistently for the past 5 years.

Today you’ll hear Stacey’s story. How he threw out all the other markets to focus solely on Gold. He trades it 3 times a day and almost always ends the day positive.

To top things off Stacey has explained exactly what he does, including the Death Line, and a number of other techniques in his strategy video below.

Hit repeat on this one folks… many times!

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Stacey’s Trading Strategy

Key Lessons

[08:50] Every time you’d make some progress, there’ll be a new lesson.

[11:44] The market gives you the opportunity every single day.

[19:52] Learn to take a profit.

[23:53] Most retail traders are trading because they want to make a lot of money.

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[34:23] If you’re consistent and you’re using good money management, you can pretty much end green on most days.

[39:59] Each session has a purpose in how it is establishing the days trading setups.

[42:06] Monday to Friday, there’s a template so, each session has a purpose and each day has a purpose in that template.

[47:02] The markets move at certain times for very specific reasons so, timing is important.

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[48:54] Unless you can peel back all the things about yourself, it doesn’t matter how you’re trading or what you’re trading, you’re still going to sabotage things eventually.

[50:46] If you want to trade and make money, study what the smart money is doing.

[50:51] Understand the importance of timing. Timing is everything.

[54:56] Don’t trade with real money until you know that you have a real edge in the market.

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