Crafting a list of distinctive teenage experiences that shape one’s future, Abdu Salem’s real-life exploits stand out prominently. From orchestrating an “in-game” casino at the age of 14, transforming play money into tangible cash, to...
In a lineup of traders, Conor Sadler might not be the first person you’d select. Originally a tradesman in the UK, Conor discovered his passion for financial markets while working as a laborer. Despite some initial setbacks, Conor eventually embraced a trading...
To kick off 2023 we drop back into the “fundamentals” of trading in more ways than one. James a professional trader from London shares his trading success story, from blowing accounts through to when things started to change after he was accepted into a...
Andile Mofokeng (aka Goat Andy) is a South African model turned professional Forex Trader who featured on the Blue Guardian podcast not long ago after making a staggering $23k in withdrawals and keeping a 100% win rate at the same time. But it didn’t start off...
Arman Sangha, a day trader from the UK, has done the unthinkable by becoming probably the first trader to gain over $1 million in prop firm funding by the age of 19. Now, if you think that’s out of this world, then what he did next will blow your mind. He was...