We’ve just started month 3 of the our Trading Mentors Match-off challenge. Episode 15 in the series and things are starting to heat up!

In this catch up with mentor Avdo and student Zach, I really dig deep on a couple of issues this pairing have highlighted for us all.

These are serious issues surrounding “time”. Specifically the time we all have to put aside to become successful traders.

And as someone who has spent a fair few years in the workforce I know that our jobs are at the top of the list when it comes to sucking the time out of our lives – like a human sized leach stuck on the back of your skull (sorry for the gruesome image, but let’s face it, that’s the reality of it).

This “time conundrum” also leads us to think about why we would do such a thing when we all know, full well, that time is our most important asset?

Anyway, to hear me unleash fury on poor Zach and spout off more than I should, you’ll need to join up to the series.

It’s getting exciting!!!

In the show you’ll discover:

  • An easy way to beat the time conundrum
  • Where fear his holding you back – and you don’t even know it
  • How to overcome procrastination in your trading education

By joining below, you’ll also get

  • Zach’s trading statement
  • Links to software recommendations

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