With over 17 years of experience working with some of the best traders in the world, from hedge funds, to professional individual traders, to prop trading firms, getting inside the mind of Steve Ward for an hour is like getting a peek inside the minds of the...
When I heard Kyle had acquired over $3 million in a funded accounts, by taking multiple prop firm funded trader challenges (like the one from my sponsor CTI where you can get up to a 100% profit share), I had to get him on the show to find out his secrets. But his...
Being able to pack into an episode, not just one trader, but 1000’s of them, is a real treat. Today you’ll hear Matt Zimberg (owner of Optimus Futures brokerage) give you insights into the habits of thousands of traders that have passed through his firm....
The Travelling Trader (Zee Brazil) made an earlier start than most in his education and experience as a trader. Falling in love with the markets in his teens, Zee has been lucky enough to experience working life in a proprietary trading firm, and moved on from there...
Alex George was wise enough at the tender age of 15 to decide to take the path less trodden. While his friends were all doing the normal things teenagers do, Alex was busy studying the markets. But it was his unique and quite obscure approach to it all that found him...