In a world where financial success seems like an elusive dream for most, Erik Smolinski stands out as a shining example of what’s possible with hard work, determination, and a little bit of luck. Despite his very modest upbringing, Erik managed to accumulate a...
Yes, Charlie is just 20 years old and holds the title of Head Trader at, unconventional hedge fund, West Water Associates. Another owner of the firm is past guest Alex George (episode 167) who was on the show at the start of the year. If you’re thinking, this...
Stacey Burke is the kind of trader I love stumbling upon. After a 15 year struggle with the markets he managed to find what some would call the “holy grail”. And he’s been capitalizing on this knowledge consistently for the past 5 years. Today...
Jason Stewart had a unique experience throughout high school and college, he was a star Quarter Back who had to deal with 11 opponents out to destroy him each and every week. This experience built up a level of fearlessness that others may never reach. Hearing...
It’s funny how things end up. I first met Cory online many moons ago when I first delved into the world of Forex. I, like many, fell in love with Forex robots (and still am to this day). What I didn’t realize back in the day was that Cory was behind most...