Dapo Willis’ trading trajectory is a compelling story of perseverance and eventual triumph, marked by significant setbacks and an eventual ascent to managing a staggering $150 million. Through an immersive exploration of his trading journey, we gain insight into...
Alex George was wise enough at the tender age of 15 to decide to take the path less trodden. While his friends were all doing the normal things teenagers do, Alex was busy studying the markets. But it was his unique and quite obscure approach to it all that found him...
James Storms, a young trader from NY, has one hell of a trading journey to share with you today. Personally, I don’t think my heart could cope with the roller coaster of a ride James has endured, through his trading career to date. But, as you’ll find out...
Sam Kavanagh, is a Scottish trader with a uniuqe story to tell. Probably the youngest trading prop firm owner in the world, Sam has been through it all. From building a team of profitable traders (some from scratch) to dealing with all the paperwork and regulations....
Age is no factor here. It’s years (or hours, more precisely) under the belt that counts. Nick Nechanicky has been over 6 years in the markets and struggled like all of us until he discovered the secrets of Market Makers. This allowed him to take his trading to...