Ken Chigbo embarked on his journey in the world of trading, fueled by a thirst for knowledge. This initial step propelled him into the position of a “Trading Floor Runner,” immersing him in the dynamic and intricate realm of the financial industry....
James Storms, a young trader from NY, has one hell of a trading journey to share with you today. Personally, I don’t think my heart could cope with the roller coaster of a ride James has endured, through his trading career to date. But, as you’ll find out...
Wow! It’s great to see people succeed in this industry, and even better when you have their full story. I first met Derek back in episode 81 of my 52 Traders podcast. He had an amazing win rate and achieved a winning streak most of us could only dream of....
Daniel Caluzzi, isn’t the first serious tennis player I’ve had on the show, but he does bring a unique perspective I did get form the other trader (who ended up ranking 5th in the 2020 World Cup Championship of Forex Trading®) – click here for that...