Endorsed by my esteemed broker sponsor, BlackBull, headquartered in New Zealand, Khaled emerges as an accomplished Gold trader hailing from Amman, Jordan, whose passion for the intricate world of trading ignited during his formative years. Over time, he navigated...
Alex Lera probably has one of the strangest stories as to how she fell into trading. It happened at the beach and she never looked back. An ICT style trader, known for her simplification of techniques and clear explanations, Alex’s repertoire of trading tips...
Join us today as we sit down with Nouman Iqbal, a distinguished prop firm trader hailing from Pakistan, whose exceptional achievements have made him one of the highest grossing professionals in his field. Boasting an impressive portfolio of over $5 million in prop...
Picture a scenario where a seasoned professional trader, boasting three decades of experience, generously imparts their knowledge to a family member – you. The allure of such an opportunity may evoke dreams of financial independence, luxury cars parked in your...
Introducing Tom, an extremely experienced Forex trader and founder of Simply Forex. With a remarkable 15 years of practical experience in the Forex market, Tom has honed his skills, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to self-trading while employing an exceptional...