I am pleased to welcome Navin Prithyani back to the show after five-year! During this time, he has developed a groundbreaking methodology to assist novice and struggling long-term traders in achieving consistent profitability. Prepare to be astonished, as his approach...
To keep things interesting we’re jumping from a “7 figure industry veteran” to a 17 year old “virtual trading newbie” who came highly recommended by past guest Lord Bankz. And he’s not just any old newbie, CJ has managed to pass...
The forth time back on the show since his first appearance in episode 4 back in 2018. It was a pleasure to get Nick Shawn back on to share what he has been up to over the last year. And as you can guess from the title, he’s been a busy boy! In today’s show...
Not completely new to Trading Nut, Diego Torres (cousin of EP130 Rodrigo Torres) is a Portfolio Manager at Funding Provider and Educator, City Traders Imperium. And he’s been featuring on the Trading Nut live streams for the past few weeks, starting things off...
When I first met Gary Langley (aka The Scruffy Trader) I expected to see, firstly, a messy price chart, secondly, lots of indicators and, thirdly, a highly discretionary approach. Much to my dismay, Gary’s approach is quite the opposite. A very mechanical...