In a world where financial success seems like an elusive dream for most, Erik Smolinski stands out as a shining example of what’s possible with hard work, determination, and a little bit of luck. Despite his very modest upbringing, Erik managed to accumulate a...
In today’s episode, we have returning guest, Scott Welsh, who has achieved a remarkable feat in the world of forex trading. He came second in one of the hardest trading competitions, and he’s here to share his best-kept secrets with us. Forex trading is a...
To kick off 2023 we drop back into the “fundamentals” of trading in more ways than one. James a professional trader from London shares his trading success story, from blowing accounts through to when things started to change after he was accepted into a...
It’s funny how things end up. I first met Cory online many moons ago when I first delved into the world of Forex. I, like many, fell in love with Forex robots (and still am to this day). What I didn’t realize back in the day was that Cory was behind most...
Gordon Phillips was a professional musician, a bandleader, and owned an entertainment agency. In his early 40’s he searched for an opportunity to make money from home and that’s when he stumbled on investing in Stocks and Options. He was making money but after a...