Andrew NFX shares his journey from discovering binary options to trading stocks and eventually reaching a funded account of $6.15 million. He found that professional sports and trading were interlinked in terms of discipline and hard work mentality. Having a...
Today, we bring you the story of Joe Caruso, a former Amazon delivery driver turned Forex trader who has taken the trading world by storm with the help of his mentor, Derek Vandelinder. After just six months of trading Derek’s strategy, Joe consistently turned a...
When you hear Rolio Jack’s trading story you’ll probably be able to relate to it more than others. He was initially told “Trading is easy”… but soon found out what looked easy, for some strange reason, wasn’t. Today you’ll...
We’ve all been beaten up by technical analysis in the past, whatever stage of the journey. Today’s guest, Kevin Jahoda, was exactly the same. However, Kevin decided to find out what really moved the Forex markets and made Fundamental analysis the backbone...
We’ve re-branded! 52 Traders became Trading Nut on 5th September, 2018. It’s the first episode of the new Trading Nut podcast In this unique episode and I wanted to make it special! My trading mentor Andre Stewart and I dissect an “Email...