Dapo Willis’ trading trajectory is a compelling story of perseverance and eventual triumph, marked by significant setbacks and an eventual ascent to managing a staggering $150 million. Through an immersive exploration of his trading journey, we gain insight into...
Join me this week as I speak with the remarkable Dr. Elvis Justice Bedi, a young Ghanaian whose rapid ascent to trading stardom came at a most tumultuous time. Amidst the chaos of war in Russia, where he was studying medicine, Dr. Bedi found himself becoming an expert...
After a year of trying and trying, chasing Chris William’s (aka Swaggy C) around the globe to lock in an interview, I’m so happy to say we finally got the $10 million+ net worth trader on board. And the timing ended up being perfect. Now settled with a kid...
I’ve always wondered why some traders are head over heels in love with markets like US30 and NASDAQ. And when asked their reason, it’s usually because “…the thing flies!!!” Clint Fester (aka Mr_Festx) is one such trader. While his origins...
My how things have changed! The choices young people have today are infinitely better and more wide spread than when I left high school. My options were limited to University, get a job or Uni then get a job. No one was talking about making money drop shipping or...