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Casey Stubbs is a Forex industry veteran who also runs a trading podcast. So in this episode you get insights not just on Casey and his trading but also from the guests he’s interviewed – a bit like a Trading Nut “double whammy”.

Plus, in the video we shot after the show Casey shows you how it’s possible to double your account within three days! You will see the live MT4 account ticking over and learn the approach he used to pull it off.

Podcast Interview


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Broker & Platform

Trader’s Way
MetaTrader 4


Casey’s Trading Approach

Key Lessons

[23:55] Having the discipline to follow the rules is the hardest part [in trading].

[25:34] Learn that those small losses really don’t matter.

[35:30] Don’t focus on the result. Focus on the process.

[37:26] If you’re riding a trend and you are able to add to those winning positions when the trend is rolling, you can start steamrolling your profits pretty nicely.

[38:19] In order to grow an account, you have to trade a little aggressively.

[38:48] You don’t need to make a lot of money on a $200k account but you do need to make a lot to grow a $200 account.

[45:06] Get help. Just find somebody to talk to.

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