Paul Weidner is our guest this week. He’s a Forex trader from Milwaukee in the USA. What makes Paul different from every other trader I’ve had on the show is that he’s a body builder. He takes this very seriously (as you can see from the photo above)...
There are a number of reasons I liked the interview you’re about to hear Where a lot of traders will just explain their strategy and tell you that it works, Austin Semeniuk, gives the underlying reason why his approach is a successful one. His explanation of the...
If you’re wanting a frank discussion about everything trading psychology, then this is the show for you! I sit down with my first proper trading mentor, Andre Stewart, and pick his brain on money mindset, FOMO, patience, discipline and the dreaded “revenge...
It’s funny how things come full circle. It was years ago, when I first started getting interested in Forex, that I heard of this “Inner Circle Trader”. At the time I didn’t take much notice of it, as it seemed too elusive. Fast forward 10 years...
After 40 episodes locked away on the Trading Nut podcast it reminded me of the goal of my original podcast: to interview 52 Traders. Then I suddenly remembered I did a wrap up interview after hitting 52 interviews. But it was only aired for a few weeks before...