Ken Chigbo embarked on his journey in the world of trading, fueled by a thirst for knowledge. This initial step propelled him into the position of a “Trading Floor Runner,” immersing him in the dynamic and intricate realm of the financial industry....
I am pleased to welcome Navin Prithyani back to the show after five-year! During this time, he has developed a groundbreaking methodology to assist novice and struggling long-term traders in achieving consistent profitability. Prepare to be astonished, as his approach...
As you know, here at Trading Nut we bring you the best insights and strategies from top traders around the world. Today, we have a very special episode for you. Instead of a new interview, we’re re-releasing an incredibly informative conversation with the...
What surprised me the most about Jayson Casper’s trading was that his sole focus was on traded ranges. Yes, forget breakout trading, trend trading, but find the most common occurrence “a range” and trade the heck out of it! But get this, it still...
Are you ready to unleash your earning potential and revolutionize the way you approach trading? Look no further! Our expert guest, Nate Williams, has done just that. With his background as a former Amazon tech giant employee and full-time manual and algo-trader, he...