113: A Traders Evolution – Nick Shawn (Part 3)

I’ve followed Nick Shawn’s journey since episode 4 of Trading Nut and it’s a pleasure to see how he’s progressed as a trader and helped so many others along the way. Over the course of our interviews we’ve had amazing insight into the...

100: Unleash A Fearless Quarterback On Forex & This Happens…

Jason Stewart had a unique experience throughout high school and college, he was a star Quarter Back who had to deal with 11 opponents out to destroy him each and every week. This experience built up a level of fearlessness that others may never reach. Hearing...

39: When Blowing Trading Accounts Works! w/ Nick Shawn

One thing I’ve noticed about traders who are at the top of their game, they don’t stop learning. Even when they start consistently making money they continue to evolve and improve their approach. They just DON’T STOP! So, it makes sense to hear from these traders more...