Tired of slogging it out with network marketing, Kou Success Lee FX turned his hand to trading Forex. While learning to trade he somehow managed to fit in full-time College education alongside taking care of his two daughters at home. Sacrifices had to be made and Kou...
Happy new year! And with the start of 2019 I thought what better time to get some of my past guests back on the show to tell us how they see the year ahead. In today’s episode you’ll hear form Andre Stewart, Al Brooks, (my last guest) Jerremy Newsome, Paul...
Daniel Ameduri has always been fascinated by, and interested in, investing. He’s been successful in the Real Estate industry and at the age of 18, was already participating in the Stock Market. But like most traders he made all the typical mistakes. During the 2008...
After the realization that the life of an artist wasn’t really going pay the bills, John Hoagland did a 180 and took a job as a runner working on the trading floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). There he made his way up the ranks moving to phone clerk...
Scott Hale fell in love with the competitive environment of the market when his trading buddy piqued his interest after graduating College. Four months later Scott started in the pits at Midwest Stock Exchange and later went to Chicago Board Options Exchange. At...