Dapo Willis’ trading trajectory is a compelling story of perseverance and eventual triumph, marked by significant setbacks and an eventual ascent to managing a staggering $150 million. Through an immersive exploration of his trading journey, we gain insight into...
50 Pips (his alias) trades out of Europe and is happiest trading any market that is liquid, but generally trades Futures and Forex. As an independent trader 50 enjoys helping other traders get in a condition to succeed. 50 has been trading for the past two decades and...
Former pro Water Skier, Andrew Barnett, has over a decade of trading experience, spanning Equities, Futures and Currencies. Hailing from the Sunshine Coast, Australia, Andrew is the Founding Partner of LTG GoldRock, one of Australia’s Leading Trading Education &...
Nicola Delic started off as a C++ developer who turned his hand to trading after clicking on a Youtube link purely by chance. As a focused and determined young man he gave 100% commitment to learning how to trade, spending 18 hours a day mastering Elliot Wave trading....