Andy Murphy explores the psychological aspects of trading, focusing on traders managing funded accounts after passing a prop firm challenge. He discusses the crucial difference between gambling and trading, emphasizing the need for a professional mindset to avoid...
Robb Reinhold, CEO and head trader at Maverick Trading, shares his 25-year trading journey and the psychological aspects crucial for success. He emphasizes that trading is not just about technical analysis but also about understanding market psychology and managing...
Joe, a seasoned trader from Manila Fx with 16 years of experience, shares his insights on trading strategies, focusing on trend following and technical analysis, particularly in silver and gold markets. He discusses a significant trade that earned him $164,000 and a...
Jeff Delorbe, a trader from Boston, USA, shares his journey to becoming a profitable trader over the past two years. Jeff discusses the significant changes he made, such as dedicating extensive time to studying charts and trading strategies independently, which led to...
Andrew NFX shares his journey from discovering binary options to trading stocks and eventually reaching a funded account of $6.15 million. He found that professional sports and trading were interlinked in terms of discipline and hard work mentality. Having a...