In a world where financial success seems like an elusive dream for most, Erik Smolinski stands out as a shining example of what’s possible with hard work, determination, and a little bit of luck. Despite his very modest upbringing, Erik managed to accumulate a...
This exclusive interview with legendary trader, Larry Williams, who turned $10k into $1.1 million in just one year during the Robbins Cup. In this re-release of the 2016 interview, we get an inside look at the remarkable journey of a man who became a trading icon and...
As you know, here at Trading Nut we bring you the best insights and strategies from top traders around the world. Today, we have a very special episode for you. Instead of a new interview, we’re re-releasing an incredibly informative conversation with the...
Now and again I stumble across a trader with more than just an amazing trading story to tell. This is the case with today’s guest Tomáš Nesnidal. Hailing from the Czech Republic, Tomáš starts today’s interview off by recounting the major event that changed...
Tomek, our first Polish trader on the show, is a full time Forex trader who scalps using Renko and Heikin Ashi, as well as swing trades. These days he’s the complete trader, but it wasn’t always like that. And to keep it that way he’s had to...