Shawn Lucas opened his eyes to the world of currency exchange in the early 90’s. After getting his degree in Economics, he spent his time working on the trading floor with Charles Schwab. Over the years, Shawn slowly moved from investing in Stocks to trading...
Tired of slogging it out with network marketing, Kou Success Lee FX turned his hand to trading Forex. While learning to trade he somehow managed to fit in full-time College education alongside taking care of his two daughters at home. Sacrifices had to be made and Kou...
Gordon Phillips was a professional musician, a bandleader, and owned an entertainment agency. In his early 40’s he searched for an opportunity to make money from home and that’s when he stumbled on investing in Stocks and Options. He was making money but after a...
It’s always good to take stock now and again. This week I get Andre Stewart, my trading mentor, back on the show to have a blunt chat about the markets, asking the question “Are they really manipulated?”, trading educators “What’s really...
George Papazov was first introduced to trading by his father when he was just a teenager. In 2001, he developed his first Forex strategy and, after finishing his Finance degree, worked for almost 7 years as a trader at one of the top 6 banks in Canada. George has...