Swap EA: I’ll swap you this “Crazy Good” EA for a favour

I’ve been working hard building Metatrader 4 Expert Advisors and you have exclusive access to the very first one that was inspired by one of profitable traders I’ve interviewed on the 52 Traders Podcast, specifically Serge Berger who expressly talked about the Hammer candlestick pattern which is key to the success of this EA.

Take a look at how it performed using 2014 historical data, below:


What you’ll get:

  • SwapEA.ex4 file download
  • SwapEA.set file download (the one used to generate the results above)
  • Full Strategy Tester results for the above chart
  • 10 configurable Inputs, including Stop Loss, Take Profit, Volume, Pending Order Expiry and Time Filters
  • Toggle Scaled Exit of trades on/off
  • Toggle Trailing Stop exit of trades on/off
  • Use both Scaled Exit and Trailing Stop together

How to get Swap EA (the favour)

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