How To Create Profitable Mechanical Trading Systems
TradeStation Code
Trade in daily bars sized for day sessions, 8:30 am-3:15 pm Central Time.
Compare two system performances over the last four trading days.
System 1:
If tomorrow’s open is above today’s close, then buy at the open plus 20% of the last three day average range on a stop.
If tomorrow’s open is below yesterday’s close, then sell short at the open minus 20% of the last three day average range on a stop.
System 2:
If tomorrow’s open is above today’s close, then buy at the open plus 100% of the last three day average range on a stop.
If tomorrow’s open is below yesterday’s close, then sell short at the open minus 100% of the last three day average range on a stop.
Use whichever percentage worked the best (or the least bad) over the last four trading days. Hold the trade through the day and exit on the close.
If h-o>=e*range and o-l<e*range then aa=(c-o);
If h-o>=e*range and o-l>=e*range then aa=(o-(e*range));
If h-o>=f*range and o-l<f*range then bb=(c-o);
If h-o>=f*range and o-l>=f*range then bb=(o-(f*range));
If o-l>=e*range and h-o<e*range then aa=(o-c);
If o-l>=e*range and h-o>=e*range then aa=(o-(e*range));
If o-l>=f*range and h-o<f*range then bb=(o-c);
If o-l>=f*range and h-o>=f*range then bb=(o-(f*range));
If o of tomorrow>c and average(aa,n)>average(bb,n) then buy next bar at o of tomorrow+e*Range stop;
If o of tomorrow<c and average(aa,n)>average(bb,n) then sell short next bar at o of tomorrow-e*Range stop;
If o of tomorrow>c and average(bb,n)>average(aa,n) then buy next bar at o of tomorrow+f*Range stop;
If o of tomorrow<c and average(bb,n)>average(aa,n) then sell short next bar at o of tomorrow-f*Range stop;
Art Collins
Chicago Board of Trade Member & Author of 4 Books on Trading
Art is an ex-Pit Trader and has been a Chicago Board of Trade member for the past 30 years. He’s also a lecturer and author on trading system development.
Art’s a mechanical trader who’s systems have been proven successful over the past 10 years.