Pause or Cancel Your Subscription


Before you decide… read this first:

I urge you to check out the Pro Member Private Community.

If you haven’t joined yet, you should at least check it out.

Experienced traders from the show are in there – posting their trades, setups, signals and more…

You have the chance to take your trading to the next level.

It’s worth way more than the $5 membership.

But you get FREE ACCESS as a pro member.

Click Here To Join (then follow the instructions in the #Welcome channel)

Pausing your subscription

Simply click the “Pause Subscription” button below and future payments will be stopped until you click the “Reactivate Subscription” button on this page.

Why do this?
This is great if you’re planning to come back in the future and want to ‘grandfather” in the current product benefits, i.e. keep the same low price if the price rises again in the future (things like that).

Pause Subscription

Reactivate Subscription

Cancelling your subscription

Simply click the “Cancel” button in the table below to cancel future payments and end your membership.

[DAPUserSubscriptions showalltransactions=”Y” showcancel=”Y” cancelimage=”” template=”template2″ cancelledtext=”CANCELLED” cancelsuccess=”Subscription cancellation completed Successfully!” cancelfailed=”Sorry, could not cancel the subscription.” confirmmsg=”Are you sure you want to cancel subscription?” canceltext=”” cancelcontact=”” cancelcontacturl=”” notransfoundmsg=”Sorry, no active transactions found” productId=”ALL”][/DAPUserSubscriptions]

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