
Back in April 2015, as an aspiring but struggling trader,  I had an idea for a trading podcast where I would hunt out and interview people who made a living trading the markets –  to learn exactly what made them different from the rest of us; at the same time finding out:

  • the education they sought
  • the tools they used
  • even some of their strategies.

It worked well. It became popular.

It was only meant to be 52 interviews – one per week for a year. But ended at 154 episodes and over 120 interviews with trading greats, like Larry Williams; alongside aspiring traders who were having early success.

It was called 52 Traders.

At the same time I discovered I was very good at building automated trading robots. So good, in fact, I decided to teach people how to do it through a course called AutomateMyTrading.com.

As part of this journey my trading became much better, both manually and automated.

I can now read a price chart like the pros and automate virtually any strategy.

The traders success secret…

After so many interviews, the common trait all my successful traders had was ‘passion’.

They were ‘nuts’ about the market. Each and everyone of them was a trading nut.

That’s why I said goodbye to 52 Traders and created Trading Nut.

It’s a place where you can immerse yourself in trading:

  • Listen to other traders share their stories and secrets
  • Learn how to trade the markets using the most cutting edge techniques
    (the ones the banks and big institutions use – not what most retail traders learn)

A Trading Nut free membership is where it’s at, click here to grab the free trading gifts.


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