Get $153 in rewards after joining Bitget
Completion progress: 0/4
Or deposit & earn upto 3000 USDT in bonus
Completion progress: 0/4
Get $153 in Rewards
KYC Reward
Complete KYC verification and you will get a $3 coupon.
First Deposit Bonus
Make your first deposit and transfer to the USDT-Ⓜ Futures account and 5% of the amount transferred to the USDT-Ⓜ Futures account will be refunded as Trial Fund, up to 100 USDT.
Deposit Now
First Trade Reward
Complete your first futures trade and receive a $20 coupon applicable for both USDT-Ⓜ Futures and Coin-Ⓜ Futures.
Trade Now
First Copy Trade
Complete a copy trade for the first time and receive a $30 coupon.
Copy Trade Now