Nice Move!
Now, Try This On For Size…

As you listen to Trading Mentors Match-off you’ll get to know one of the mentors quite well.

His name is Andre Stewart.

I interviewed him first as a struggling trader as part of an experiment I ran back in 2016 .

Andre was a Pro Member, like you, and went from struggling trader to consistently profitable – within a year!

And in August 2017 he started teaching people his methods. Even me!

He doesn’t have a retail traders approach…

Instead he trades like the institutions.

These days he’s mentoring over 80 students one on one, does group coaching and has a thriving trading community.

What’s more he doesn’t even charge a monthly fee!!

“Cam, Who Do You Recommend?”

This is one of the most frequent questions I receive.

And it’s not surprising since I’ve done over 100 interviews with some of the world’s best traders.

What I’m learning from Andre is fantastic!

In fact, he’s helping me see things I never noticed before.

In my opinion, this is the closest strategy I’ve seen to the holy grail.

If you’re serious about getting profitable ASAP . . .

This has my highest recommendation, and I’m sure you’ll love it!

And It’s Not Just Me

By Joining Andre’s Program You’ll Learn…

1) How to spot LEGIT market turning points and WHY they are affective

2) How to work on the inside of price to find high probability entries

3) How to spot targets based on what the market is telling you

4) Why trading psychology should be named something different

5) How to properly use supply and demand (hint: it isn’t what everyone else uses)

6) The truth about volume and how to use it to enhance your trading

7) What phase is price in and how to predict a change – All before retail traders get in too late

And You’ll Receive…

4 x one on one mentoring session with Andre, per month (Forever)

Access to Andre’s Library of Video lessons

Access to Andre’s Private Trading Group
(incl. access to 2 other profitable traders from the show)

Value $295 Per Month
Today Pay Only
$650 One Time

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